WATCH: Karla Panini Reacts to Being ‘Canceled’ Internationally in Nearly 10-Minute Rant
The Karla Panini drama is the gift that keeps on giving. A few days after South Korean YouTuber Stephanie Soo made the chisme all of Mexico already knew internationally, Karla Panini took to Instagram stories to comment on being “canceled” thanks to people finding out what transpired between Panini and her former friend and costar Karla Luna.
The original drama, for all of those who don’t know, had to do with the fact that Karla Panini and her friend Karla Luna appeared together in the comedy show Las Lavanderas starting in 2010. The two toured together, went on late-night shows, and were an iconic duo committed to the bit of basically gossiping together for years. Their friendship crashed and burned when Panini had an affair with Américo Garza, Luna’s husband, who she then went on to marry after Luna passed away due to cancer in 2017.
In her Instagram stories that nearly lasted 10 minutes, Panini insisted in Spanish that “while you were canceling me I was doing what I have to do, which is live,” and added, “if I’m going viral worldwide, what can I do?” joking that she’d have to check how to take advantage of it and how to take advantage of the worldwide hate, because “I’m used to going viral nationwide, and being hated nationwide, not worldwide.”
“You can cancel me, but nothing else is going to happen,” Panini also said, in her multiple stories talking about the subject, while using filters and later moving on to seemingly day-to-day stuff and quoting fans commenting on Soo’s video.
Soo later stitched the stories Panini made and reacted to them, without any added commentary. Instead, the South Korean Youtuber just ate chips and used facial expressions to comment on what she thought about Panini’s supposed defense of her actions.
One thing seems certain, the Karla Panini history won’t die anytime soon, because Karla Panini won’t let it die.