We have no choice but to stan

Sex therapist, homicide detective, UFO investigator, and all-around gay icon Gillian Anderson has a new role: footwear model. The unproblematic queen appears quite literally glowing in a campaign for Dune, unveiled today on her Instagram. 

No, not that Dune, the forthcoming movie starring Zendaya and Timothée Chalamet. And not the fabled Los Angeles falafel outpost either – we’re talking about Dune, the admittedly less exciting British high street footwear retailer.

Anderson is the company’s face of the season and appears for the occasion posing in a gorj knee high leather boot and navy dress. She even manages to make an unprepossessing grey made.com chair look (almost) like a Florence Knoll OG. 

It’s actually not the first time Anderson has worked with Dune – she appeared surrounded by flowers in the brand’s SS20 campaign. 

Enjoy the first look at this season below.