Cardi B Celebrates International Women’s Day by Launching Her Own Doll
Cardi B made a special stop at the TODAY show this morning to announce something new, but it isn’t what you might be thinking! Cardi B joined the hosts to celebrate International Women’s Day and announced a partnership with Real Women Are who is releasing a Cardi B doll in July.
“I have a 2-year-old, right? And I buy dolls every time I go to Target and they expensive,” she said. “Somebody came with this idea to me and I’m like, ‘That is great because I would love my daughter to play with a doll that looks like me.’ I mean, all these other dolls look like me, I might as well make one for myself.”
“Growing up, I ain’t never seen a doll that looks like me, you know what I’m saying? I ain’t never seen a doll that really represents me. You go to the doll aisles when you’re my age, it’s either like there’s a real white one, there’s a real dark one, and there’s like barely one that’s in the middle. None of them have my style, none of them have my flavor. I want a doll that represents me.”
Real Women Are is the first minority-women owned and led doll brand targeting women and girls of all ethnicities. “What makes Real Women Are special is that young girls of color are a priority to the doll brand,” shared the singer via a press release. “We want them to know that they are special. That they are worthy of having a toy that looks like them. We’re not building Real Women Are as an afterthought or something just to check off a box. Creating a doll that is a mirror of our daughters, nieces and granddaughters is at our very core.”
The Grammy winning rapper has plans for more dolls in the future, but not in her image. “I also came up with a plan, because these dolls are supposed to represent different women,” she told TODAY. “So I feel like after mine drops, I want to drop a doll of different artists. Then I also want to do fun things on Instagram and I want women that have different careers than me to tell me a little bit about their life and everything, and I want to pick them and I don’t know, maybe I have a doll and she’s a doctor, she’s a nurse, you know what I’m saying? Just different types of women and I want to display them and I want them to look beautiful just like me.”
The doll is $35 and is only available for 72 hours for pre-order. They are expected to ship in July.