Zack Snyder Director’s Cut Of Meh ‘Justice League’ Coming To HBO Max, Next Year #ReleaseTheSnyderCut
was a flawed movie that never lived up to its potential. However, there have long been rumors of a director’s cut of the film that allegedly was exponentially better than what made it to theaters, and that version is coming to HBO Max.
But, you’ll have to wait until 2021 to actually see it. Today (May 20), HBO Max and Warner Bros. Pictures announced that it will exclusively world premiere Zack Snyder’s director’s cut of Justice League on the streaming service in 2021.
Snyder hipped fans to the news this morning during a live online commentary of Man of Steel, which starred Henry Cavill and was a pretty damn good Superman flick.
“I want to thank HBO Max and Warner Brothers for this brave gesture of supporting artists and allowing their true visions to be realized. Also a special thank you to all of those involved in the SnyderCut movement for making this a reality,” said Snyder in a statement.
You gotta give credit to Warner Bros. (part of WarnerMedia along with HBO) for getting on board and basically copping to the fact that the film they delivered was weak sauce (back in 2018 it was ). No shots.
With characters that included Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, The Flash and a momentarily AWOL Superman, fans were disappointed in the film’s mediocrity, blamed the studio and started calling for a version in tune with Snyder’s vision pretty much as soon as it was released in 2017.
Now the question is, will the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut version live up to its own hype?