Woman Sleeps With Her Husband’s Mistress’ Husband
One woman apparently took inspiration from White Lotus and according to her, she made a small victory by sleeping with her husband’s mistress’ husband.
In a viral Reddit thread, the 40-year-old wife shared that she finished watching the second season of the hit HBO series with her 45-year-old husband. She noted that she “couldn’t help but think about Daphne,” the character who is played by Meghann Fahy.
“I met my husband ten years ago and I loved him our entire marriage,” she shared. “We have three children together all under [the age of] five.”
Last year, the wife discovered that her husband slept with his 30-year-old colleague, who is also married. At first, she was shocked and heartbroken.
“I can’t describe the pain I feel, but you can see it in Daphne’s eyes,” she noted.
The wife discovered that her husband’s mistress is married to a 35-year-old man. She ended up telling him about their partners’ affair. After texting back and forth for a week, they both wanted “revenge” and began their own affair. However, they later realized that they “both want each other and it doesn’t matter what our spouses did, they’re forgiven.”
The wife explained that they don’t want their children growing up in separate households and a divorce would be “too costly for him.”
The comments section was divided with some people poking fun at the situation. Others labeled it as “unethical nonmonogamy” or “just a foursome with extra steps.” If there’s one thing that all of the readers can agree on, is that everyone wants to know what will happen next.