White Woman Asks Is It ‘Okay’ to Go to All Black Hair Salon
A woman sparked quite the debate on Reddit after pondering if it was “okay” for her “to go to an all black hair salon.”
“Now I’m genuinely curious about this, so people correct me if I’m wrong, for context I am a white person with straight hair, but I was wondering if it would be alright if I could, if not that that’s okay I was just wondering?” she asked.
She continued on Reddit, “Cause from what I heard they have the best products for hair and do wonderful hair styles, but if I can’t go then that’s fine.”
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Users tried to help with the woman, with many offering up their own opinion on what she should do.
“I will strongly encourage you to call the salon first and speak with them about your hair so you can get matched with a stylist that works best for you. Black hair comes in ALL kinds of textures. It’s not ALL just curly, coily, or kinky hair; therefore, Black stylists are trained to be able to work with LITERALLY ANY hair type, and can likely recommend products that will transform your hair into whatever you want it to be,” one person wrote.
Another chimed in, “Your money is as green as anyone else’s, but the products they have are more suited for their hair than for yours. If you have thin or fine hair, products for coarse, curly or coily hair won’t really work for you.”
This ‘black people have completely different hair’ stuff…. There are four black people in this house. One has almost straight hair, two have 3c curls and one has loose loopy curls with some straighter hair around the hairline. Two have fine hair, two have coarse hair. There are white people with hair that will form into a glorious Afro naturally, with dense coils, with baby hair at the hairline. Hair types are not handed out strictly by race as if we were separate species,” another person stated.
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A fourth commented, “Cosmetologist here. It baffles me that some cosmetologists/stylists don’t know how to cut curly hair. If your hair is straight, that means more than likely that your hair shaft is circular. If it’s curly that means your hair shaft is more oval and that’s what causes it to spiral. Clueless stylists don’t take into consideration how the hair travels. They don’t test it to see how much it stretches when it’s wet. There’s much more to it, but that’s the basics.. I agree. Go in and ask respectfully if they will accept you as a client. There’s probably nobody better to do your hair.”