‘The Conjuring’ Actress Vera Farmiga Covers Slipknot Song Live
The macabre music of Slipknot and the thrill of horror films go hand-in-hand. So it makes sense that the Lorraine Warren of The Conjuring Universe — the talented actress Vera Farmiga — is a metalhead. To wit, she recently covered Slipknot’s “Duality” and shared a clip of it on social media, showing that she can totally hold her own as metal performer on the stage.
It may come as no surprise to those who recall Farmiga’s Iron Maiden cover last year, accompanied by Anthrax‘s Scott Ian at Rock Academy in Woodstock, New York. There was no Ian this time around, but the circumstances were more or less the same.
Watch the Slipknot cover near the bottom of this page.
READ MORE: All Slipknot Songs Ranked Worst to Best
In her April 17 Instagram post, Farmiga said she performed the Slipknot cover with her “buds” at the school. “Best. Music. School. On. The. Planet,” she added. “Enroll your kids now. And why let them have all the fun?! Enroll yourselves! Come learn. Come grow. Come play. Come have so much fun.” She subsequently shared Metal Hammer‘s coverage of the clip.
“I’ll tell you one thing,” Farmiga says to Rock Academy spectators in her onstage intro of “Duality.” “This music program is one thing we can’t get enough of; we really do have the time of our lives here.”
She adds, “This is for all the chin-pressers, all the eye-pushers, the skin scratchers, the teeth grinders — anybody who’s trying to cope with anything.”
The studio version of Slipknot’s Grammy-nominated “Duality” was released in 2004 as the first single from that year’s Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses). It’s since gone on to become one of the metal band’s signature songs. Get your Slipknot concert tickets here.