Risked it All: Lou Williams Leaves NBA Bubble For Lapdance Lallygagging At Magic City
Lou Williams enjoys strip clubs and their, ahem, fine cuisine like any other person but in the middle of a pandemic, the streaky shooter made an incredible gaffe. It’s since come out that Williams hit Atlanta’s Magic City after leaving for a reported family emergency, which apparently involved jiggling booties and hanging with buzzing rappers.
Williams, currently playing for the Los Angeles Clippers, was the subject of a probe by NBA officials after images of him hanging out with rapper Jack Harlow at the famed adult entertainment establishment surfaced online. ESPN reports that Williams, 33, was granted an excused absence from the Orlando NBA bubble to handle the personal matter but Harlow, blowing up Lou Will’s spot, posted a photo of the guard in one of the NBA masks given to players and residents of the bubble.
Harlow tried to bail Williams out of trouble by saying the image is old but it’s since come out that Williams has admitted to visiting the allegedly empty nightclub and he confirmed that visit Twitter writing, “Ask any of my teammates what’s my favorite restaurant in Atlanta is. Ain’t nobody partying. Chill out lol. #Maskon #inandout.”
Coach Doc Rivers of the Clippers briefly addressed Williams’ boneheaded move and some internal discussions will certainly be had once the smoke blows over.
“I can’t share much with his journey. I wasn’t on that journey with him,” Rivers said ahead of scrimmage this evening (July 25). “But he’s back here, I can tell you that much. You know, obviously, those [pictures] got out, and that’s something that we obviously didn’t enjoy seeing or like.”
On Twitter, Lou Williams is getting all the slander one can expect after making such a spectacular error in judgment as the NBA season is set to be back on in just five days. We get it, Magic City has some exceptional, um, eats.
Check out the reactions below.
Photo: Getty