Quarantine Boredom Has Inspired Crazy TikTok #NakedChallenge
If the due to the coronavirus has taught us anything, it’s that boredom will inspire folks to do some crazy things while confined. A new trend has been popping off on called the #nakedchallenge, but it’s not as on the nose as the hashtag reads.
We’re not sure exactly when the challenge kicked off but the hashtag began trending on Twitter Saturday morning (April 4) and it’s a fairly simple premise. The challenge is that a person appears first on their smartphone camera draped in a towel, tosses the cloth, and then walks in on their unsuspecting partner or friend to record their reaction.
The results have been all over the place, with some showing appreciation, and others shocked at the big reveal. For the most part, the action as been PG-13 rated as most are following the no-nudity rule but of course, some folks are teetering on the edge.
Check out some of the funny #nakedchallenge videos Twitter below.
Photo: Getty