OP ALERT: The 2 Coonettes Who Defaced BLM Mural Exposed As Right Wing Zealots
As the world continues to rally for social equity there are some Black people who prefer to sleep on the floor in Uncle Tom’s cabin. Two women have been exposed as house Negros.
As spotted on Madam Noire the females who defaced the mural last week in midtown Manhattan have been identified. On Saturday, July 18 two Black women were seen on video vandalizing the street art in front of Trump Tower 5th Avenue. The scene was a crazy one as the general public was astonished and mortified to see people of color defiantly go against the .
The two agitators are Bevelyn Beatty, 29, and Edmee Chavannes, 39 of Staten Island. After being arrested for criminal mischief they took to social media to gloat about their actions. “The police expressed their HIGH APPRECIATION for what Bevelyn and Edmee stood up for today,” they said Facebook. “They expressed their concerns and fears for their city. They are in fear for the sake of NYC and voiced that they need MORE people like them to help and stand up for what is RIGHT!”
According to Beatty they hit a couple of other murals in Brooklyn and Harlem that same day. “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re in Brooklyn and it ain’t over,” she said. “Jesus matters. We’re taking our country back. We’re taking it back. And let me tell you something, the police need our help. Don’t just sit by idly and watch your country go to the ground.”
She would go on to make it clear she loves her master. “Stand with your police force, vote for Trump, vote Republican, vote for Christians, and stand up, Christians,” she continues, as an unidentified cohort adds: “Vote the ungodly, demonic, anti-Christ people out of this nation.”
The ladies are due back at court to face their respective charges.