No Laughing Matter: D.L. Hughley Says He Unknowingly Spread The Coronavirus To His Team
It turns out there were more consequences to D.L. Hughley .
The actor/comedian had fans worried when he during a standup show at a Tennessee comedy club. He provided us with an update that he fainted due to exhaustion and dehydration but also learned that he tested positive for COVID-19. Hughley didn’t experience any symptoms and is considered an asymptomatic carrier of COVID-19. Hughley revealed in an exclusive interview with TMZ, that he has a pretty good idea where he caught the coronavirus and that he unknowingly spread the virus to his radio show team and son.
He jokingly referred to himself as a “regular Typhoid Mary.”
Per TMZ:
Hughley also had time to plug his new book during the interview after revealing he gave the coronavirus to other people.
Let D.L.’s story be proof of how contagious and virulent COVID-19 is. Stay safe out there, wash your hands, practice social distancing, and, most importantly, wear a mask.
Photo: Michael S. Schwartz / Getty