Lizzo Gives A Beautifully-Worded Middle Finger To Body Shaming
has solely existed to make music for her adoring fans, twerk to her heart’s content, and generally mind her business. That hasn’t stopped trolls online from attempting to body shame her, but the talented superstar dropped a beautifully-worded middle finger to that set of people.
Via , Lizzo is seen in various workout setups and gear, explaining in the video that she’s been working out consistently for the past five years. If you ever witnessed her perform live, then you’re well aware that she puts on a high-energy set that would have most people ready to pass out in the middle of it.
As she continued in the video, Lizzo explains that her reasons for working out aren’t to fit some beauty standard set by the music or fashion industry, but to, as she said in the video, to have her ideal body type. Lizzo has been criticized unfairly over her size despite her glowing confidence and beauty, but she hasn’t let the chatter get under her skin.
Lizzo’s name is trending on Twitter at the moment with several people sharing the video in question. Of course, there were a handful of people who still tried to take digs from their mother’s basement but they pale in comparison to those praising the “Truth Hurts” singer. Lizzo has also using her platform during this quarantine period to raise awareness about politics and shared a fun video Instagram urging her fans to vote in their local primaries.
We salute her for the high level of IDGAF-ness and will continue to support her. Check out the reactions from Twitter below.
Photo: Getty