Interview With Omar LKC, The Artist Behind The Debut EP Too Far Away
When did you first realize you were born to become an artist? Have your surroundings growing-up shaped you in a creative sense, if yes, in what way?
So I’ve had this desire for a long time to release something that I’ve worked on a lot in front of an audience. I had this instinct in me, which developed especially during the period when I was making videos on YouTube, when I was releasing videos after hours of editing, recording, etc, to feel this pride and satisfaction. I always felt that I was chasing it, I just didn’t know yet the exact domain where I would dedicate myself fully to doing it.
So basically, as I love that kind of work, when I discovered that the artist’s one totally corresponds to it, I was straight convinced it was what I wanted to do.
I also thought about the fact that since music is a way for me to express myself, that I really had a story and a universe to describe, that I was inspired and that I had a lot of creative and original ideas to put into making music, while being an artist.
I didn’t really have growing-up surroundings who shaped me in a creative sense, because the domains I’ve been creatively invested in never concerned them, so as they didn’t know about it, they simply couldn’t shape me in a creative sense. So it should be safe for me to say, without sounding selfish, that the creativity I exhibit is entirely up to me.
What is the first album you ever listened to? How did you get it?
The first album I ever listened to was “Bad” by Michael Jackson. I got it online.
How would you describe your new EP Too Far Away?
Probably raw, hypnotic, personal collection representing me and my personality. The transition between my positive and negative sides.
A project I will remember, as his meaning represents a lot for me like the truth, not necessarily mine but of a lot : What you can see is not reality. The reality is inside. The real thing, the truth, is that I’m not necessarily happy. I can look like I’m happy, while I’m, in reality, feeling alone. While feeling “Too Far Away” from people.
How does your creative process differ today compared to when you started?
I focus and start visualizing what kind of project I’m going to do. For example, listening to music from different genres and vibes gives me ideas. Then I put down the options and think about which ones I will choose, which ones I will mix, do they fit my vision or not.. but to be honest, I don’t need to see what others do. It’s really about visualizing. I already know exactly what I want from the debut, I see it, I do it. It’s just all natural and goes out of my mind automatically.
Also, as I just released my first piece of work and acquired my first experience, I’m in a better position now to finish building my own style and sound, which I couldn’t do at first.
Who would you like to collaborate with? Please share with us your top 5.
I only have 2, an artist and a producer :
- Gustavo Santaolalla
- Sami Yusuf
Any upcoming plans you’d like to share with our audience?
Don’t worry about this, time will tell you. Thank you for asking though.
Thank you!