Ice Cube Shares Anti-Semitic Image On Twitter, Says His Account Was Not Hacked
has been especially active on Twitter and social media lately, tweeting out the 30th anniversary of his debut solo album AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted and comments regarding . Earlier today (June 10), the veteran rapper’s Twitter account shared an image that has been called anti-Semitic by Jewish organizations and individuals, but Cube says his account was not hacked.
The image in question is the Black Cube of Saturn or Saturn’s Hexagon, which is has been linked by some as a dig at Jews, who observe their Sabbath on Saturdays, the sixth day of the week and also “Saturn’s Day.” The planet Saturn reportedly only has six rings that can be seen clearly, and a six-sided north pole. This cube was placed inside a Star of David, which is also six-sided. Thus, inspiring the “666” links to Saturn.
More about this theory can be found here.
This image was among several others that have been increasing in number since the start of the George Floyd riots, with Ice Cube posting plenty of anti-police memes and images as well. This relentless bent of tweeting from Cube was actually celebrated by his fans and other observers.
On Wednesday evening, Ice Cube took to Twitter to clarify that he was responsible for posting the imagery.
“This is CUBE. My account has not been hacked. I speak for no organization. I only speak for the meek people of thee earth. We will not expect crumbles from your table. We have to power of almighty God backing us all over the earth. NO MORE TALKING. Repent,” Cube tweeted.
He added, “I will continue to keep our people motivated, informed and provide simple solutions to help solve the problems that America has caused our people. These are my acutel facts as I see it. You can take it or let it alone.”
Check out the Twitter reactions below.
Photo: WENN