How One Vogue Editor Dressed for the Final Days of Spring
As we continue to navigate these ever-changing times, in season two of What I Wore This Week, one Vogue editor shares their outfits—both on Zoom and IRL—from the previous week.
For 14 months, it feels a bit like we’ve been in hibernation; a continuous dream cycle of Zoom meetings, Netflix binges, house renovations, and a new standard for “appropriate” work attire. Surprisingly, I’ve actually become quite fond of this new pace, which has forced me to slow down, be present, and appreciate the smallest of things; like the way my favorite knit socks cling to my feet during my morning calls or how my navy blue polka-dot dress flutters as I open my closet doors to grab yet another pair of yoga pants and a Vogue x Kith hoodie.
But my routine is beginning to evolve. This spring feels different—and no, it’s not only because my allergies have disappeared due to my (very responsible) double-masking. With the hope that vaccinations bring, there is a feeling of optimism in the air—one that reminds me of the old saying, “April showers bring May flowers.” As the rain from the last year begins to clear, I find myself looking ahead at the opportunities that await us.
In celebration of a dawning reemergence, I decided to do what any spring-obsessed, hyper-organized event planner with an appreciation for new beginnings and the excitement of dressing up would do–I did some spring cleaning, accompanied by some of my favorite May flowers!
I start my days bright and early so that I have time to get myself together before jumping into work. Mornings in an old brownstone tend to be a bit chilly, so I pulled out a pair of my favorite fluffy socks, and my Skims Cozy knit lounge set and began planning out the day.
Now that sunnier days are upon us, I make a point of getting in at least 30 minutes of cardio a day—it also helps to release endorphins to rid of those anxious nerves that tend to sneak up throughout the week. Honestly, my favorite part of the workout is getting dressed for it, but we all have to find our ways of motivating ourselves, right? I’ve always been a sucker for a colorful set, so I obviously fell in love with this lavender two-piece from my best friend Brittany’s boutique in Kentucky. I strapped on my ankle weights and took to the mat.
Okay, so I procrastinated a bit on the spring cleaning, but I think that’s one of the perks of working from home! I firmly believe that a cluttered space often leads to a cluttered mind. As the sun was shining today, I opened the windows, put on a good playlist, and wore my airiest romper and matching Birkenstocks in the hope that they would inspire equally bright and clean rooms.
Embracing the week’s nice weather, I decided to get out and “smell the roses.” So I went to the basketball courts to practice my new quarantine hobby—roller skating! I paired my aqua-blue Moxi Roller Skates with the oversized denim jacket that I found in my closet and my Dior saddlebag, which carried nothing but my hopes and dreams of a successful skate session. Too bad looking like an experienced skater doesn’t actually make you one!
Heading into what is going to be a relaxing weekend in my newly tidied studio apartment, I decided to do my bi-weekly flower shopping early. Because I would be meeting up with friends at the park later, I put on a floral-patterned dress, grabbed my large wicker tote, and headed to my local flower shop. Hoping to spread a bit of the optimism and joy that this week brought, I decided to buy a few blooms for the girls, as well.