Gamers Are Asking Where Is The Gameplay Following Microsoft’s First #InsideXbox Live Stream
Gamers are insanely hard to please, and if you promise them you’re going to show something during your live stream, you better deliver.
Microsoft is learning that first hand following its first live stream that promised to showcase gameplay from upcoming titles on its new console, the Xbox Series X. While Microsoft did deliver by showing a plethora of games, gamers left disappointed after watching the nearly 30-minute presentation.
The biggest complaints being that there was no actual gameplay footage specifically from Ubisoft’s forthcoming Viking-themed shown. Instead, we were shown more in-game cutscenes, which didn’t rock with viewers at all. Gamer’s wasn’t too impressed with the lineup either and virtually yawned at the announcement of the new Madden 21 game as well.
There was something to be excited about, the new Smart Delivery feature, but that’s where the excitement ended. Well, we hope Microsoft’s learned a valuable lesson from its first Inside Xbox live stream, and that is to bring the gameplay.
Microsoft plans on holding an Inside Xbox stream once a month until the launch leading up the launch of the Xbox Series X.You can peep all the reactions to the Inside Xbox live stream in the gallery below.
Photo: Microsoft / Xbox Series X