Flavor Flav Responds To Chuck D Folllowing Being Fired From Public Enemy
The Hip-Hop community shook its head collectively after news broke that after 35 years, Chuck D from the group over a beef. Flav has now responded and is basically calling his former bandmate a liar.
In a series of tweets, the man who put the hype in hypeman responded to being given the boot from the iconic rap group he helped put on the map. Flavor Flav, like many, couldn’t believe Chuck D would let Sanders of all things be the reason he was fired.
“.@MrChuckD are you kidding me right now???,,,over Bernie Sanders??? You wanna destroy something we’ve built over 35 years OVER POLITICS???,,,all because I don’t wanna endorse a candidate,,,I’m very disappointed in you and your decisions right now Chuck,,,”
He further explained that he didn’t sue Chuck but “asked the @berniesanders campaign to correct misleading marketing,,,that’s all it was.”
Flav even touched on Chuck D bringing up his battle with drug addiction (a low blow), denying he was on drugs and stating he has been clean for years.
“Also .@MrChuckD ,,,i’m not on drugs like you’re saying and have been clean for 10 years,,,i have battled addiction before and like millions of other Americans I know the massive toll it takes,,,Chuck you know better than to lie about sh*t like that,,,,”
Public Enemy, now known as Public Enemy Radio, did issue a follow-up statement explaining that Flavor Flav , as he asserted in his tweets, but because of his behavior that earned him a suspension from the group.
“Public Enemy did not part ways with Flavor Flav over his political views. Flavor Flav has been on suspension since 2016 when he was MIA from the Harry Belafonte benefit in Atlanta, Georgia. That was the last straw for the group. He had previously missed numerous live gigs from Glastonbury to Canada, album recording sessions, and photo shoots. He always chose to party over work,”
We really hope Chuck D and Flavor Flav can work out their differences because Public Enemy isn’t the same without Flav.
Photo: David Crotty / Getty
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