Doja Cat Continues Apology Tour, Takes To Instagram Live To Debunk Claims With Bullet Points
has addressed the chatter surrounding her participation in where racists rattle off slurs and the revelation she flipped one of those slurs into a song. Taking to Instagram Live, the “Say So” star shared a series of bullet points to counteract the criticism.
“Like any business, like any conglomerate, there would be many people trying to protect what’s going on,” Doja Cat opened with during the Instagram Live session on Memorial Day. “And that’s exactly what we were trying to do. So, I’m just gonna, one, debunk everything. I have bullet points.”
Doja then launches into debunking claims of her exhibiting signs of self-hate. As Doja shared over the weekend in a written statement, she identifies as a Black woman but does seem to admit that it was bad form to use social media to discuss issues she has with her hair.
“It’s a video, it’s not even me. It’s my friends helping me see through Twitter with a filter,” Doja explains. “I’m not on Twitter. That sh*t hurts my feelings. Seeing people come for me. Seeing people come for my character.”
She continued with, “just like any of you guys, it wouldn’t feel good to me so I avoid social media. My friends looked on social media and they told me what was going on. I know exactly what you guys are talking about as far as self-hate goes. I had a video of me talking about my hair.”
As it stands, Doja took on the challenge of trying to reposition her statements about Black hair as complaints about her own situation and not Black women as a whole. She also gets into why she chose to record and release the “Dindu Nuffin” track after being subject to such slurs in a paid chat room that she frequented with friends.
“It was to kinda take back and just say f*ck you to those people. The song, however, I agree. Maybe the worst song in the entire world. Not good. Lyrically lost. The worst song. The lyrics in the song don’t make sense,” Doja said.
To be fair, Doja was clear in her defense of the critique but never seemed to commit to a full-on apology as noted by some online.
The Shade Room captured Doja Cat’s Instagram Live session, which can be viewed below.
Photo: Getty