Auntie Maxine Waters Dunks On Trump, Called Him “Incompetent Idiot”
For those keeping score at home, has fired off a number of jabs and quips in the direction of . Her latest missive came Twitter as she blasted the former business mogul over his handling of the COVID-19 crisis.
The California congresswoman fired off her latest blows on Monday (March 30) as the nation continues to grapple with the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. President Trump’s response to the situation has been criticized in the media and by pundits on the sidelines, but Waters’ pointed words have been among the sharpest yet from an elected official.
“Trump, stop congratulating yourself! You’re a failure & you’ve mishandled this #COVID19 disaster! You’re not knowledgeable & you don’t know more than experts & generals. Your ignorance & incompetence are appalling & you continue to demonstrate that every time you open your mouth,” read one tweet.
Waters came back with another writing, “Trump, you incompetent idiot! You sent 18 tons of PPE to China early but ignored warnings & called COVID19 concerns a hoax. You’ve endangered doctors, nurses, aids, orderlies, & janitors – all risking their lives to save ours. Pray 4 forgiveness for the harm that you’re causing!”
As it stands, Congresswoman Waters and President Trump will never cross the bridge of friendship, at least not anytime soon. Waters echoes the sentiments of many who feel that the Trump administration’s handling of COVID-19 has been largely pushing forth lofty projections and misinformation at an almost daily clip.
Trump’s initial plans of reopening the economy by Easter has been shot down repeatedly by medical experts on all sides, prompting him to bend to the will of science and extend his projection until the end of April at best.
Photo: Getty
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